Browsing Category
Racial, ethnic questions
46 posts
A backstory to the 2023 Asbury Revival
I hadn’t written about a key backstory to the February outpouring at Asbury because I hadn’t known it.…
Not outsiders anymore!—Ephesians 2:11-22
Ephesians explains how Christ has shattered all barriers of history and ethnicity that could keep us from God—and…
Childhood miracles, African student in Paris (Médine)
Randy Clark and Josh Clark interview Craig and Médine about miracles in Médine’s childhood and her experience as…
War and spiritual warfare
My wife Médine, who was a war refugee for 18 months in Central Africa, can tell you how…
Paul and racial reconciliation—Ephesians 2
The video version and audio version of Craig’s message at Asbury Seminary chapel on Thursday Feb. 24.
Race, divorce, women in ministry, and other hot-button issues (1.5 hours)
Podcast interview with Pastor Alex McElroy
Impossible Love
Interview from Women Together with Craig and Médine Keener about their book Impossible Love. To access this you…
The global church in Revelation 7:9 (Médine)
Médine (Craig’s wife) shared about the global church in Asbury Seminary chapel (22 minutes).
Impossible Love on TBN
TBN airs the series Jesus the Game Changer, which is based in Australia. Recently the series aired the…
A New Testament Scholar Responds to the Atlanta Shooter’s Bible (7 minutes)
Media coverage of the Atlanta shooter has highlighted issues of anti-Asian prejudice in America and abuse of women.…
Craig’s ETS Presidential Address: A Mind for the Body—Romans 12:1-8
In my presidential address to the Evangelical Theological Society (posted here after consultation with the executive director), I…