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81 posts
666 and other scary end-time ideas
Remnant Radio interview: Some popular End Times/Revelation views circulating in Christian pop culture. Is “www” the same as…
Different views about the Millennium through history
Are you amillennial? Or maybe, a millennial? Don’t confuse postmillennial with posttribulational premillennial. And is this really a…
Concise survey of the Book of Revelation (1.5 hours)
1.5 hours may not seem like TOTALLY concise but at the master’s and PhD level Craig teaches it…
What does it mean to be ready for Jesus’s coming?
interview with Tim Mahoney: This interview was part of the recent discussion on the Book of Revelation while…
Revelation: A Vision of Hope
interview with Tim Mahoney: This interview was part of the recent discussion on the Book of Revelation while…
Ever wonder about those lamp stands in Revelation?
Each lamp stand was likely a menorah. These would be seven-branched lamps as in the Temple (and as…
Revelation: a Vision of Hope (25 min)
Revelation: A Vision of Hope, an interview with Craig by Tim Mahoney, part of the recent discussion on…
Losing the First Love–Revelation 2:1-17 (14 minutes)
Losing the First Love: Rev 2:1-17: Interview with Tim Mahoney, part of the recent discussion on the Book…
Eschatology, or: Why Jesus’s coming is relevant for us today
Posting on the last day of 2021, but about a LASTer last day, so to speak: Susan Morales…
Not Afraid of the Antichrist
The ebook of Not Afraid of the Antichrist (by Michael Brown and Craig Keener) is on sale at the Baker…
NT Survey session on the Book of Revelation
Craig surveys Revelation. Of course, there are many different views, so he cannot avoid some controversy here. But…