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8 posts
You’re not paranoid if everybody really IS against you—Jeremiah
As a prophet telling people what they didn’t want to hear, Jeremiah was not very popular. See my…
Woe to God’s House!—Mark 13:2
Most Judeans thought their temple, the largest and most magnificent in the ancient world, was impregnable. The temple…
The call and the cost—Jeremiah 1:4-19
God had a plan for your life long before you started learning about it. “Before I formed you…
Against the grain—the prophet Jeremiah
Many people thought that Jeremiah was a stick in the mud, a contrarian, and certainly unpatriotic. He went…
When Most Prophets are Wrong—1 Kings 22
When God gives a promise, we are right to believe it with all our hearts. Some biblical promises,…
Seek the common good (89-second video)
The video appears here; the text follows if you prefer to read it Sometimes religious people, like…
When you have to stand alone
“Wrap up your garment for action. Get up and tell them everything that I myself command you. Don’t…
Who really speaks for God?—1 Thessalonians 5:21
Paul closes his first letter to the Thessalonians with a series of exhortations. Paul no doubt designed these…