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7 posts
Rocky and the Thunderboys
When Jesus assigns his three closest disciples the names Rocky (Simon now called Petros, the rock) and Thunderboys…
Sinful Leaders: Why do some people with powerful gifts live sinful lives?
We hear about lots of (happily not most) ministers falling. This is not surprising, because ministers are human,…
Independence, individualism and loyalties—Judges 17:6, 21:25
Some cultures understand loyalty better than others do. Some cultures identify strongly with their leaders. In some cultures,…
Slaughtering the Benjamites II: merciless anarchy—Judges 20:29—21:25
(Continued from Part I, Judges goes on to narrate the Israelites’ unbridled vengeance against the Benjamites and…
Slaughtering the Benjamites I: Benjamin’s depravity—Judges 19:1—20:28
If biblical texts about slaughtering the Canaanites rightly make us uncomfortable (see;;, biblical texts about…