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74 posts
Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay
Video courses on sale
–I give my own videos online for free, but some are taped with others at greater length and…
Background commentary on Kindle sale
A friend just brought this to my attention so I thought I should bring it to yours. Not…
Studies in Acts
One of my academic books is a collection of studies on the biblical Book of Acts. For the…
Beside still waters?
Beside still waters (or at least, fairly still ones) at Jerusalem’s zoo. Unfortunately, we were not able to…
Two-minute clip on a new book I endorsed, by Chee-Chiew Lee, which says it much better than I…
Mark 8: When the disciples were blind (29 min)
Remnant Radio interviews Craig Keener on Mark 8:
Historical reliability of the Gospels (10 min)
This is an excerpt from an interview with the Israel Bible Center that they have posted: