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Introduction to the question of Spiritual Gifts in less than 10 minutes
Filmed by Seminary Now
Hearing God’s Voice with Craig Keener Part #9
The difference between false prophets and not hearing God’s voice fully accurately
Hearing God’s Voice with Craig Keener Part #8
Hearing God’s Voice with Dr. Craig Keener Part #8: Nuancing prophecy (conditional prophecies, etc.)
Different views about the Millennium through history
Are you amillennial? Or maybe, a millennial? Don’t confuse postmillennial with posttribulational premillennial. And is this really a…
Hearing God’s voice part 7: “Tongues and prophecy”
Cessationism and supersessionism
“Open your mouth and I will fill it!”
Does Psalm 81:10 REALLY mean you should normally preach without preparing your message? Not exactly …
Hearing God’s voice part 5: Led by the Spirit
Trusting God’s love for us
God’s voice: trust his love for us (a short for Back Porch Theology)