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153 posts
Articles on miracles; Acts 1-2
For those of you with library access to journal articles: the first article below is an academic one…
Cessationism and supersessionism
Overthinkers Podcast asks Craig about miracles
The Overthinkers Podcast: “Are Miracles Real?”: Do miracles happen today? Joseph Holmes and Nathan Clarkson talk to Dr.…
Miracles, Gifts, and Witch Doctors
Unrefined podcast: “Miracles, Gifts, and Witch Doctors” (interviewing Craig)
Healing miracles
A lecture Craig gave for Every Nation’s international conference in Cape Town, South Africa in Oct. 2023 (30…
Miracles in global mission
The interview with Craig on this topic is Week 4 on the Rethink Mission Podcast
Debate about reality of miracles
One doctor had dismissed my work on miracles (Miracles Today) in a critique that I don’t think anyone…