Browsing Category
New Testament
773 posts
Who are “the least of these” in Matthew 25?
Many say that the least of these in Matthew 25 are the poor. There is good reason to…
The Bible versus tradition—Jesus, the heart and the stomach (Mark 7:1-23)
The Bible versus tradition—Jesus, the heart and the stomach (Mark 7:1-23). Prepared for my graduate-level Mark class when…
Tale of two banquets, treading on waves—Mark 6:23-56
The grisly banquet of Herod Antipas contrasts starkly with the immediately following banquet of Jesus. (The lesson picks…
Women in ministry in the New Testament
The Assemblies of God Network of Women Ministers evening with Craig at AGTS at Evangel University
Luke 1:5-13
Luke emphasizes that Jesus’s story is rooted in the story of God’s earlier acts for his people. Luke’s…
Christobiography (Russian, Ukrainian, with English subtitles)
podcast in English + Russian, and English + Ukrainian
Why study Bible background?
This clip is from the course on New Testament background with
Discussion of Rom 1:18-23 (especially philosophic questions)
The interviewers titled it: Craig Keener Reacts: “Everyone Knows God” (Romans 1:18-23)
Rocky and the Thunderboys
When Jesus assigns his three closest disciples the names Rocky (Simon now called Petros, the rock) and Thunderboys…
Any Hope for Peter? Following Jesus in Mark 8:27-38
Peter messes up big-time before he becomes a fisher of people. Is there any hope for him? (Or…
Spiritual war—Ephesians 6:10-24
Life in this world involves a lethal spiritual war waged between God (whose triumph is certain) and Satan,…