Browsing Category
41 posts
Who are “the least of these” in Matthew 25?
Many say that the least of these in Matthew 25 are the poor. There is good reason to…
Ministry on the Street
Ministry on the street continued. One week I was sharing my faith with a man on Flatbush Avenue…
Acts and new movements (40 minutes)
Steve Addison, author of Movements that Change the World, and The Rise and Fall of Movements, interviews Craig…
Contextualization and Scripture: Understanding the Nature of Cross-Cultural Communication
I asked my dear friend, neighbor, and missiology colleague at my former seminary, Samuel Escobar, where biblical studies…
Discerning the Spirit’s Voice by Engaging in Multiple Cultures
Why is it that bicultural Hellenist believers such as Stephen (theologically) and Philip (practically; Acts 6-8) were able…
Samaritans and the Spirit–Acts 8:14-17 (21 min)
This message recorded in Asbury Seminary chapel on October 8 is available both in audio and video format…
Empowered for a Missional Reading of Scripture
Jesus’s promise of the Spirit for Pentecost was a promise of empowerment for mission (Luke 24:48-49; Acts 1:8).…
Paul in Athens—Acts 17:16-19
Paul does his best to transcend others’ prejudices and cultural barriers to share good news in Athens.
A multicultural church—Acts 13:1-3
The church in Antioch spearheaded the mission to the rest of the world beyond Judea. Nearly all Christians…
Are There Apostles Today? (part 3)
Are there apostles today? As noted in the previous two posts, that depends on what you mean by…
Are There Apostles Today? (part 2)
Are there apostles today? As noted in part 1, that depends on what you mean by an apostle.…