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NT Background
46 posts
Why study Bible background?
This clip is from the course on New Testament background with
The traditional site of the Mount of Temptation. Viewed from Jericho. In Matt 4:8, the devil tempted Jesus…
Putting Craig in a tomb
This model tomb gives you the sense that you would often have to bend over to enter and…
Where did Mary Magdalene attend church?
OK, that title isn’t quite accurate (though “church” and “synagogue” both translate terms applied to the congregation of…
Palm trees (John 12:13; Rev 7:9)
Very short (21 seconds), but just for anybody who, like me, unfortunately lives somewhere too cold to see…
Taking Jesus for granted: Capernaum
Don’t take Jesus for granted, like Capernaum did! (Matthew 11:21-23//Luke 10:13-15) (half a minute)
In the wake of destruction
Ruins from the Temple’s tragic destruction in the year 70 (32 seconds)
Sheep heed the shepherd’s voice (John 10:3-5)
Craig interviews real live sheep at Nazareth Village! (But these ones don’t say much.) (22 seconds)
Letdown: How do you let somebody down through a roof?
You can’t do that very easily through most kinds of roofs, but it would work in ancient Galilee.…
Stone water pots in John 2:6
Why did the water pots, set aside for the ritual of purification, have to be made of stone?
Getting stoned—in the ancient sense
Stephen died by stoning (Acts 7:58-59), Paul got stoned (Acts 14:19; 2 Cor 11:25), and some people wanted…
Peter and his fellow fishermen probably fished near here. (Less than one minute)
From the pinnacle of the Temple
Satan urged Jesus to cast himself down (Matt 4:5//Luke 4:9). Even though the drop to the valley is…