The eight-century BC prophets such as Isaiah and Amos declared, “The day of the LORD is at hand!” The ultimate day of the Lord did not come in the eighth century BCE, but God foreshadowed that day, as the northern kingdom experienced the judgment of exile from their land. The prophet Joel depicts a locust plague as an invading army, as the day of the LORD (Joel 1—2); this nearer plague foreshadows the ultimate day of the LORD, when human armies of real nations would gather against God’s people and face judgment (Joel 3 [in English; in Hebrew it’s Joel 4]).
Later the southern kingdom was also carried into exile. Jeremiah spoke of seventy years until restoration, but when Daniel prayed about it he learned that this was just the first phase of restoration. A fuller restoration, with an anointed prince and atonement for sin, would take seventy sevens of years—centuries more (Dan 9:2-3, 24-27). Finally, in the first century, Jesus came as the anointed prince and died for our sins.
Jesus proclaimed that the kingdom was near (Mark 1:15)—and in fact the kingdom’s king was among them (Luke 17:21). By casting out demons he showed that the kingdom was among them (Matt 12:28//Luke 11:20). Jesus healed the sick, a blessing Isaiah had promised for the messianic age (Isa 35:5-6; Matt 11:5//Luke 7:22). When his disciples witnessed his transfiguration, they experienced an even fuller foretaste of his kingdom coming with power (Mark 8:38—9:2). (Scholars often speak of the foretaste as the “already” part of the already-and-not-yet: the promised king who is yet to come has already come and started the mustard seed growing in advance.)
Yet there was more to come: the full restoration, when evil would be no more, and the Lord would wipe all tears from our eyes. The Lord is patient, and a day with him is like a thousand years (2 Pet 3:4-10). God often works in phases, providing foretastes; his promises have been unfolding through history. That this has been happening in stages leaves us without excuse for doubting the future of his promises, for we stand at a point in history when so many of his past warnings and promises have already been fulfilled.
The God who has acted in history is the God who will bring about the consummation. We can have full confidence that he will fulfill all his promises. Be encouraged: the Lord is coming, and will set the world right with justice and truth. That may be bad news for those who practice injustice and falsehood, but it is good news for those who live in confidence in Jesus.