Zondervan just sent me (Craig) word that “high res versions of your Revelation video lectures are available to stream on smart TVs with 4 new MasterLectures TV OS apps. The new platforms are: Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Android TV”
I am not personally tech savvy enough to know what they’re talking about, and have not tried this myself, but since they also mention “codes for 30 days of free access” I thought I’d pass along word!
Here is a link for a form for people to get codes for 30 days of free access: https://zondervanacademic.com/leads/masterlectures-tv
Again quoting: “(When people sign up at the form on that page, they’ll get instructions emailed for access on their specific TV, along with a free access code. The videos are also available on the web app and phone and tablet apps, as before.)”
By the way, ALL my videos on my YouTube channel are definitely free. They include several on Revelation (incomplete), complete series on Matthew, Acts, Romans, and some videos on the first part of Mark. The Mark ones have power point in them.