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8 posts
Wrong understanding of lying in a manger
A Tale of Two Kings–Luke 2:1-20
Part of our Christmas story is a tale of two kings: one powerful in the eyes of the…
Mary believed the angel’s word—Luke 1:38
“I’m here! The Lord’s servant! Let it happen for me just as you have said!” (Luke 1:38). That…
The True King–Luke 2:1-14 (19-minute video)
Luke’s Christmas message: Jesus vs. the Empire This was my practice for a message for Asbury’s chapel on…
The True King–Luke 2:1-14 (sermon)
I preached this Advent message recently:
Preaching from Jesus’s genealogy
Appropriate for Christmas season: have you ever preached from Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus? Or heard someone preach from…
Christmas vs. the emperor–Matthew 2 and Luke 2
In many circles, editorials and sermons on the true meaning of Christmas have become a routine, perhaps almost…
A tale of two kings, Luke 2:1-20
Part of our Christmas story is a tale of two kings: one powerful in the eyes of the…