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10 posts
Response to last year’s “Cessationism” movie
OK, I’m running behind on posts (major time constraints, especially during the academic year), so I wouldn’t make…
Continuationism discussion (1 hour video)
Josh and Jeff interviewed me on The Remnant Radio: (I usually don’t have time to watch videos, but…
Very friendly dialogue between Craig Keener and Michael Horton
Friendly dialogue on continuationism vs. cessationism, held in Brazil in March 2018 (naturally, with Portuguese translation), between friends…
Are There Apostles Today? (part 1)
Are there apostles today? That sort of depends on what you mean by an apostle. If by “apostle”…
The Point of Speaking in Tongues in Acts 2
Pentecost (Acts 2:1) was a significant festival in the Jewish calendar, offering the first fruits of grain to…
Amputated gifts?
Some churches don’t want some of the gifts–isn’t that like the body of Christ amputating some members? Some…
Amputated gifts–49 seconds video
If we really believe that we’re one body with many gifts, why do we amputate certain members of…
Are spiritual gifts for today? (11-minute video)
Are spiritual gifts for today? They are so closely linked with the body of Christ that if the…
Are spiritual gifts for today?
Paul declares that we are the body of Christ with many members (Rom 12:4-5; 1 Cor 12:12, 20).…