Browsing Tag
holy spirit
5 posts
Revival is Part of the Christian Life
If God poured out the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, then much of what we envision as…
Empowered for a Missional Reading of Scripture
Jesus’s promise of the Spirit for Pentecost was a promise of empowerment for mission (Luke 24:48-49; Acts 1:8).…
Pentecostals and Other Evangelicals: We Need Each Other
Perhaps Pentecostal emphasis on the Spirit could combine with evangelical emphasis on the Word. With enough humility, Pentecostals…
The Spirit as a divine person — John 14:16-17, 26
Christians honor God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Yet we may not always recognize the biblical foundations…
The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to us: John 16
Jesus had been telling his disciples that the Spirit would further explain the teachings he had given them…