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7 posts
My wife’s life in Congo + how we got together (new video, audio interviews)
Seth and Nirva interviewed my wife Médine (49 minutes) on her experience as a war refugee, our story…
Médine’s experience as a war refugee (audio interview)
My wife shares some of our story, especially her 18-month experience as a war refugee in Congo, in…
Craig and Médine’s love story (video)
Craig and Médine’s story is told in the book, Impossible Love. They shared part of their story in Asbury…
My Friend the Refugee
Others are better qualified than I to comment on security matters, and this is an older post, but…
8-minute documentary about Médine
I know I am posting often and different subscribers will prefer different posts (some subscribe for the Bible…
Impossible Love interview by Caleb Hegg
This is an interview we did with Caleb Hegg in Dec. 2015 concerning Impossible Love, a book by…
Interview clip about Impossible Love
Caleb Hegg interviewed Médine and me about our book Impossible Love, which is due out in April. Here…