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9 posts
Wake up to be ready for the times ahead
Normally we post only material from or related to Craig here, merely to avoid setting precedent: we have…
A Closer Look: Damascus
Both Acts and Paul (Gal. 1:17, which claims that he “returned” there) state that Paul was in Damascus…
How much is eternal life worth?—Mark 8:34-38
“If anyone wants to follow after me, let one deny oneself and pick up one’s cross and follow…
Rev 2.8-11-Smyrna (19 min)
The church in Smyrna was called to be faithful to death. Their example should challenge us to count…
When People Belittle God—Exodus 5:1-5
Presumably presented by the elders as representatives of Israel or Israel’s God, Moses and Aaron obtain entrance before…
Do Christians Have a “Persecution Complex”?
Do Christians Have a “Persecution Complex”? If we care about truth, sometimes we must speak against conventional wisdom,…
Herod Agrippa I–Acts 12
Information about Herod Agrippa I in Acts 12:1-4. 4.4 minutes from Acts scholar Craig Keener. For 23 free…
Loyal to the death—John 13:34-35
When Jesus commands us to love one another as he has loved us, why does he call this…
Supplement to Boko Haram is not new
Because of the time that I spent in northern Nigeria, I also wrote an article about the extremists…