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Virgin birth
6 posts
Mary believed the angel’s word—Luke 1:38
“I’m here! The Lord’s servant! Let it happen for me just as you have said!” (Luke 1:38). That…
Joseph’s example of virtue–Matthew 1:18-25
For a 17-minute clip on Joseph’s example in Matthew 1, see For more material on Matthew’s Gospel, see…
The virgin birth — Mary’s chastity
(This is a continuation of the notes for Matthew chapter 1.) Jospeh and Mary give us an example…
The virgin birth — Joseph’s compassion and obedience
(This is a continuation of the notes for Matthew chapter 1.) Matthew declares that Joseph was a “righteous…
The virgin birth — the betrothal of Joseph and Mary
(This is a continuation of the notes for Matthew chapter 1.) One way that ancient biographers sometimes honored…
Mary, Joseph, and the virgin birth of Jesus — Matthew 1:18-25
Ancient biographers sometimes praised the miraculous births of their subjects (especially prominent in the Old Testa ment), but…