Browsing Tag
ethnic reconciliation
8 posts
A New Humanity
Craig and Médine address the theme of a new, united humanity in Ephesians (for a conference about Gal…
What the Bible says about racial reconciliation (34 minutes)
As an interracially married minister, ordained in an African-American denomination but currently president of the Evangelical Theological Society,…
Pentecost Sunday and Race in the U.S.
Around the year 2000, for the Eerdmans Lectionary commentary, I wrote on a reading for Pentecost Sunday, on…
Racial and ethnic reconciliation
Craig was invited to speak on this at Asbury Seminary Chapel some time ago. This seems a good…
The Temple in the New Testament–and ethnic reconciliation
NT teaching on the temple helps us understand how God cares about all peoples. It therefore also has…
Racial reconciliation in Romans
Why did Paul have to spend so much time in Romans arguing from the Old Testament that salvation…
A Scholar’s Testimony
Dr. Timothy George interviewed Craig for the Beeson podcast about Craig’s conversion from atheism, Médine’s experience as a…