What the Bible says about racial reconciliation (34 minutes)

As an interracially married minister, ordained in an African-American denomination but currently president of the Evangelical Theological Society, I want to share some of what the Bible teaches about ethnic conflict and reconciliation. This is just an overview (what I can do in half an hour), and I am skipping here my personal stories (again, staying at about half an hour). But my observations here draw on what I have been speaking about in my classes and public settings for some 30 years. Thirty years ago most people were not listening 🙁 but I am trying again today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1PcBRqFph0

(If you want a one-minute video with just some thoughts about racial reconciliation, from my wife Médine, who is from Central Africa, and myself, a white guy from the U.S., see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqQSUfbNeU0)


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