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10 posts
Part 4: Pursuing Justice and Reconciliation (28.30 minutes)
Part 4 of Yeshaya Gruber’s interviews with Médine and Craig about racial issues:
My friend’s son murdered in racist attack
Donna Covington is Asbury’s vice president of formation and served as a top executive in a major corporation.…
We just discovered that, due to technical difficulties, SUBSCRIBERS DIDN’T RECEIVE MOST OF THE POSTS in JUNE (except…
Theology and Race: Panel discussion at Asbury (part 1)
Dean of Formation Donna Covington leads President Timothy Tennent, myself and several colleagues in discussing race questions today.…
Interviewing my wife and daughter on racism
My wife and kids are originally from Congo, but they’ve now lived many years in the U.S. My…
What the Bible says about racial reconciliation (34 minutes)
As an interracially married minister, ordained in an African-American denomination but currently president of the Evangelical Theological Society,…
Is NEWSWEEK right that the largest churches are anti-LGBT and white-pastored?
Citing a report from, NEWSWEEK proclaims that (anti-LGBT), “None of America’s 100 largest churches are LGBT-affirming and…
Scripture challenges racism
Craig was invited to preach and address race issues in a forum with Christena Cleveland of Duke, and…
She identifies as black: identifying with is not the same as identifying as
Insofar as we can tell from news reports so far, Rachel Dolezal got herself mired in a deep…